prox.Dance, A/V performance, 2017
prox.Dance @ Espace Projet, A/V performance, 2017
prox.Dance revolves around proximity and distance. We explore the distance between our two bodies by increasing and decreasing the space between each other. We are interested in how technology can advance our understanding of the body as a source of sound. So, from there we look at the ways in which we could develop our own bodies as instruments by using IR sensors that detects movement in a specific range of distance.
This performance thinks about the importance of sound in our everyday life, but also the importance of sound in our environment, in our own bodies, the way sounds allow us to share, be social and learn. One of the thing that interests us in working with inaudible sounds is that by amplifying them, you can make audible and visible a whole other world that we are part of, that our bodies constitute.
We modulate FM synthesis algorithms to have a great variation in terms of sound. We have 5 of them and are dividing the performance in 5 scenes. We explore the range of variations available through these algorithms by modulating the distance between us.
We use sensors, convert their analog signals into digital MIDI data and modify FM synthesis main parameters like frequency, harmonicity and modulation index. The visual is taken from a webcam, located close from us in order to keep track of every sensible movement. We project the output of the camera on our bodies and as we get closer and further, the contrast of the video increases.
Sam Bourgault && Emma Forgues
RIPA @ Fonderie Darling, Montreal CA
IN BLOOM @ Eastern Bloc, Montreal CA
Art Matters @ Espace Projet, Montreal CA